This website is governed by German law. Hence only the German version of the legal notice is binding. The following is just a summary in English:
The use of the contact data for sending of not expressly requested advertising and information materials is hereby rejected. The service provider reserves the right to take legal action in the event of unsolicited promotional information, in particular spam e-mails. Furthermore please use the email preferably to the mailing-address and phone.
All content and structures of this website are protected by copyright and related rights. The publication on the Internet does not mean a declaration of consent for any other use of the content beyond retrieval. Any use not permitted by German copyright law requires the prior written consent of the service provider.
In particular, copyright must be observed for the exploitation of the images made available on this website. The service provider points out that in some cases he only has the right to publish on this website. Therefore, when exploiting the images contrary to copyright, rights of third parties can be violated.
However, the service provider expressly permits and welcomes the citation of his documents as well as the setting of links to this website, as long as it is indicated that this is content of the service provider's website and this content is not brought in connection with third-party content that opts out from the interests of the service provider. For the indication a reference to "" is sufficient.
The service provider is responsible under the general laws because he is a content provider according to § 7 Abs. 1 TMG and therefor responsible for the "own content", which he makes available for use. From these own contents, cross-references ("links") to the content provided by other providers ("external content") must be distinguished. Due to the cross-reference, the service provider makes "external content" available for use. External content is marked as such and is distinguishable from links to in-page content.
Links to external content are colored in green and marked with a -symbol; these are shown as follows:
Example link to external content
On the other hand, links to in-page content are marked in blue and without a -symbol; these are shown as follows:
Example link to in-page content
On initial linking the service provider has checked indeed, if a civil or criminal liability is caused by the external content. He also regularly reviews the content he refers to for changes that could re-establish accountability. Despite this approach, not every change can be immediately detected and checked. If the service provider detects or if it is pointed out by others that a specific content to which he has provided a link triggers a civil or criminal liability, he will remove the reference to this content.